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YAG Quiz Night

Join us for a thrilling Youth Quiz Night! Test your knowledge, win prizes, and make memories! Bring your friends for a night full of fun!

🎉YAG Quiz Night 🎉

Bring your friends along and join us for a FREE fun-filled night of trivia and friendly competition at our Youth Advisory Group Quiz Night! 🥳

Test your knowledge on a variety of topics including a 'Disney Sound Round', 'Guess the Star' and 'Name the logo' during a night of laughter and teen themed trivia. The event will be held at the Eaton Library located on 1 Council Dr, Eaton.

🍕 Free pizza, snacks & drinks! (non-alcoholic)

🏆 Awesome prizes to be won!

🎟 FREE to attend, simply register for a ticket.

4-6 people per table. To book a table please book all tickets under one name to ensure you are seated together.

Don't have 5 friends or family to make up a table? Don't worry as we will be assigning tables as required.

